
So we have arrived in Valcartier! It looks to me like the army built this camp just a few days prior to us arriving.  There are tents everywhere and men from many parts of Canada. I am beginning to understand that this is no small undertaking. Trains keep arriving, each crowded with soldiers.

I must admit, I had a hard time sleeping that night. The boys from St. Thomas were able to stick together and we have about twenty tents to keep us dry. I must admit,it’s going to take some time getting used to sleeping on the ground.

There is a rumour going round that we will be going for medical inspection this week, to make sure we can handle the rigours of army life. We must also officially join the army if we pass.

I will write soon and tell you how things went.

Munsee Translation

Valcartier msahkeewxeew! Maashiinaakwat laawooteenay wsapakwiiwaniikaan weemi msalohkeew soochulak wunj Canada. Mah Chang lakohkeew. Nzukasunaanay wunjihteew kakchukamow soochulak.

Ahwi ktaamwii jest piishkeeku lunowak wunj St Thomas wiitapoomeew taxwiinaxke wsapakwiiwaniikaan. Ahwu ktaamwii thahkeeyeew.

Niisktoonheew ndaaktulhameew kunduween wuyakaawow soochulow. Nii nguteekiikee soochulow.

Nii guteekiikee peexoot, kchihlatow.

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